TOP BENEFITS FROM JASMINE RICE/ VIETNAM JASMINE RICE Benefits of Jasmine Rice Even though it looks very similar to regular rice, the Jasmine Thai kind is one of the most flavorful but also unique options in the market. Coming directly from Asia and with a fantastic story behind, this rice provides many benefits that no other rice offers. Improves Fiber Consumption Are you someone who rarely consumes fiber-rich foods? Then this rice will come like a gem for you. It contains a lot of fiber, more than other choices, which eventually helps to keep the body functioning correctly and improve your blood sugar & lipid levels. Brown Jasmine rice, for example, contains the most fiber in the market, with 3.5 grams per portion. Comes with Vitamin B All vitamins are essential for the body, but vitamins B are slightly more than others. These vitamins will help you maintain your body healthier with time, keeping the metabolism working, improving cell production, and making various vi...